Naismith Truck Movers Company History

  • 2004

    Setting up from Scratch

    Originally named Australia Wide Truck Movers, the company was born. Starting with a website, uniform and polished shoes, we were ready for our first collection. All we needed were customers and trucks to deliver.

  • 2006

    Employing our First Drivers

    Within two years, our customer base had increased significantly, and we employed three Melbourne based drivers. Ironically, Daryl employed his old boss, National Driving Supervisor Bert Hogben, who employed him at Greyhound Pioneer.

  • 2008

    Victorian-Based Headquarters

    With a growing number of customers and trucks to deliver, we needed a depot to secure driver's cars and trucks before they departed. We secured a lease in Northcote, VIC and moved from a home office into corporate premises.

  • 2010

    Government Contract Secured

    With the Completion of the Royal Commission into the Black Saturday 2009 Victorian bushfires, we secured a four-month full-time contract to supply drivers and staff to drive and service the two "Prepare, Act, Survive" advertising campaign trucks. These travelled extensively throughout rural and regional Victoria assisting Victoria Police, SES and the CFA to educate Victorians on the dangers of bushfires.

  • 2012

    Established National Driver Base

    With a growing clientele base in all states, it was time to expand our horizons and employ professional drivers in all states. This allowed us to service clients promptly, ensuring same day collection, and getting vehicles underway faster. To this day, most of the drivers we employed back then are still with us, and still delivering trucks weekly to our valued clients.

  • 2014

    National Headquarters - Bayswater, VIC

    After ten substantial years of growth, and the phone constantly ringing with new customers, the company decided to purchase a fully operational depot and facility to service car parking, truck storage and driver amenities. Our premises are now located at 8 Corporate Boulevard, Bayswater, VIC. Located five minutes from PACCAR, Australia's Kenworth Truck Manufacturing Facility. It allows us to service the ten Kenworth Dealerships that we currently deliver trucks throughout Australia for.

  • 2016

    Operations Managers in NSW & QLD

    Daryl's time had fast been growing into 14 to 16 hour days, seven days a week over many years. It was apparent that with a growing driver base, and more clients coming on board weekly, we needed to appoint Sales/Operations Managers in both NSW and QLD. Both are still with us today, assisting to expand the business further.

  • 2018

    Shuttle Vehicles In All Main States

    It's always been said, "You have to spend money, to make money." With four Toyota Hiluxes already in the fleet, all sign-written with Naismith branding, more shuttle vehicles had to be purchased to allow drivers to be collected from truck drop off points, and to get them home, or onto the next job faster. With a current shuttle vehicle fleet of seven throughout VIC, NSW, QLD and SA, we continued to invest in our infrastructure assets so we could provide a premium service to our much-valued clients.


    Day-to-Day Operations

    We employ more than 28 professional drivers, two operations managers, accounts and office staff to assist in the day-to-day running of the entire operations team. You could say, it's more than a full-time job. We love what we do, and highly value our customers who have not only grown with us but have remained loyal while we strive to remain Australia's #1 Truck Delivery Service. We openly acknowledge, that without our drivers who continue to provide the highest level of professional service, we are nothing. So, to them we say a big thank you. Here's to another big year in 2019.